Careers and Employment Opportunities

If your agency has employment opportunities, please contact us via our contact page or contact the web administrator at

Please ensure your email includes the announcement a start and end date for posting on the website and any applicable contact information. All postings for polygraph examiner employment opportunities are provided free of charge.  We are happy to post the listing for 60 days, after which time we will delete the posting.  If you would like to relist the posting after it is deleted please reach out to us at

posted 3.17.25

City of San Diego

Polygrapher II and III classifications

To apply for these or similar jobs visit:

Bulletins are scheduled and open and receive applications from 3/14/25 to 4/14/25.

Polygrapher II employees conduct interviews and interrogations involving the use of polygraph devices for determining truthfulness; provide expert testimony in court concerning findings; perform investigative or research work; write reports; perform minor maintenance and repair of polygraph instruments; and perform other duties as assigned.

Salary:  $73,257.60 - $88,836.80 Annually


Polygrapher III employees conduct complex interviews and interrogations involving the use of polygraph devices for determining truthfulness; provide expert testimony in court concerning findings; perform complex investigative or research work; write reports; perform minor maintenance and repair of polygraph examining equipment; and perform other duties as assigned.

Salary:  $97,593.60 - $117,644.80 Annually

Bulletin notes for both Polygrapher II and Polygrapher III:

·       Employees in job classifications represented by Municipal Employees Association (MEA) are scheduled to receive the following general wage increase: 5% effective 7/1/25.

·       Eligible benefitted employees originally hired on or after July 10, 2021, will be automatically enrolled in the San Diego City Employees Retirement System (SDCERS).

·       Some Polygrapher positions may require bilingual communication skills for which they may receive additional pay.

·       Polygrapher positions are required to be available for call-back after normal work hours for which they may receive call-back pay.

·       Selected candidates will undergo a comprehensive character and background investigation, including a polygraph examination and fingerprint check prior to hire. Felony convictions, domestic violence convictions, or use of any illegal drugs may be disqualifying.